SMK SMTI Makassar visited SMK SMTI Padang
SMK SMTI Makassar is one of 6 (six) SMK SMTI in Indonesia, besides SMK SMTI Padang of course. SMK SMTI Makassar currently has 3 (three) expertise programs, namely Industrial Chemistry, Mechatronics Engineering and Quality Control. It's the same with the SMK SMTI Padang that we love, SMK SMTI Makassar is under the guidance of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia. Currently, this school which is a role model in South Sulawesi is carrying out the construction of an Integrity Zone (ZI).
Base on this moment, yesterday, Tuesday, March 1, 2022, SMK SMTI Makassar visited SMK SMTI Padang to conduct a comparative study on the construction of WBK and WBBM.
The meeting itself was carried out in a relaxed discussion atmosphere and visits to several service innovations that had been carried out by SMK SMTI Padang. In addition, the sharing of experiences in terms of WBK and WBBM also took place warmly and intimately. Hopefully in 2022, SMK SMTI Makassar can achieve WBK predicate and go to WBBM status.