Open Laboratory

Hai Sanak Industri !!
The Open Laboratory is a series of activities for the SMK SMTI Padang in attracting students to register at the SMK SMTI Padang. Activities at this open laboratory are in the form of a series of activities where new prospective students tour around the laboratory facilities owned by SMK SMTI Padang.
Usually, students who come are very enthusiastic about participating in this activity, because they can see firsthand the practice process at SMK SMTI Padang.
The Open Laboratory activity itself is intended for students of 9th Grade of Junior High School (SMP), because they will later become prospective new students at SMK SMTI Padang. On the occasion of the visit, many students also registered directly to become new students at SMK SMTI Padang. So that they can directly ask questions about what is in doubt in the mechanism for registering new students.
Sanak Industri, don't forget to register immediately to SMK SMTI Padang because JARVIS Prestasi registration has been extended until April 8, 2022. This initial registration is free of charge, aka GRATISS !!